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Showing posts with the label human being

20 mind blowing facts about the human body

The human body has some special features you probably don't know about. Here are some mind-blowing facts about the human body; 1. The nose and ears continue to grow throughout one's lifespan. 2. The heartbeat sync with the rhythm when listening to music. 3. Your sense of smell is around 10,000 times more sensitive than your sense of taste. 4. Around 80 per cent of what we think is taste is actually smell. Flavour, is a combination of taste and smell perception.The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body. 5. The longest bone in the human body is the femur. 6. The human body produces  25 million cell every second 7.  The brain would lay flat the size of a pillowcase If you smoothed out all of the wrinkles in your brain  8.  The fastest muscle in the body ins the eye. 9. The largest organ in the body is the skin. 10. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time. 11.  An healthy adult human heart beats about 75 times on average i...