Big Brother Naija, a reality tv show is known for featuring handsome men over the years. The reality show has featured female housemates of different tribes and personalities across Nigeria. I bring you the list of the top 5 handsome men of BBNAIJA season 7. 1. SHEGGZ Segun Daniel Olusemo (born 13 November 1996) is a Nigerian British, professional footballer, model and actor. He describe himself as “confident, but not cocky” and “the perfect mix of Lagos and London”, Sheggz is a hard worker, but also a smart worker, and believes it’s important to be both. Talkative when needed, but also a good listener, Sheggz sees himself as down-to-earth, relatable, and ambitious. He is considered the most handsome guy in BBNAIJA season 7. He is good looking and has a well built body. 2. BRYANN Brian chukwuebuka chijioke (born August 1998) is a Nigerian singer, song writer, model, music producer and actor. Bryann describes himself as pragmatic and someti...