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ASUU_FG meeting end in deadlock

ABUJA — AGAIN, the negotiation meeting held by the federal government and Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) yesterday, ended in deadlock, thus dashing hope of imminent resumption of academic activities in the nation’s public universities.

The union had met yesterday with Prof. Briggs’ renegotiation committee with a view to resolving its difference with FG towards reopening the universities.

The meeting which held at the National Universities Commission,NUC,Abuja, ended, without resolution.

It was gathered that the Prof. Nimi Briggs’ renegotiation committee did not bring any new offer to the table, forcing the lecturers’ union to walk out of the meeting.

A source at the meeting said the committee only pleaded with the striking lecturers to suspend their action with a promise that the 2023 national budget will address their demands.

Recall that the union has been on strike for six months now,having began the action on February 14,2022,over issues ranging from poor funding of public universities; lecturers’ payment platform to unpaid earned allowances as contained in the agreement it entered with the federal government in 2009.


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