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People's personality and temperament

 Temperament refers to consistent individual difference in behavior that are biologically based and are relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes.

The Temperaments

. Sanguine

. Phlegmatic

. Melancholic



Sanguine are super extroverts, very sociable and friendly.  They enjoy being around people, love speaking in public and are fun to be with. Sanguine are not always bothered when things go wrong in their lives and relationship with others. They are always optimistic about the present and never bother much about the future. Don't tell them your secret because they'll use it against you one day.

STRENGTH                         WEAKNESS 

. Talkative                           Compulsive talker 

. Life of the party               Has loud voice 

. Wide eyed and                 Gets angry easily


. Make friends easily          Undisciplined 

. Envied by others               Hates by others

. Seems exciting                   Easily distracted


Melancholy is the richest of all temperaments. One of their outstanding strengths is their outstanding intelligence. They usually have the highest intelligence quotientin their family. Melancholy are well disciplined. They are the world greatest investors, philosophers and scientist. On some occasions,they act like sanguine. Melancholy are neat, tidied and proud.

STRENGTH                      WEAKNESS 

. Genius prone                Remember the 


. Talented                         Moody 

. Neat and tidy                 Guilt feeling 

. Make friends                  Hard to please


. Faithful and devoted     Hold back affection 

. Economical                      Depressed over 




They are born diplomatic, reliable, good matured self and we'll organized. They are independent to fulfill their obligations like melancholy. They are usually good thinkers, good planners, not a perfectionist but their work bears the Hallmark of neatness and efficiency. Fear keeps a phlegmatic far from realities and to perform a task assigned to them obviously they would like to teach,sing or learn but fear wouldn't allow them. 

STRENGTH                          WEAKNESS 

. Low-key personality       Fearful 

. Easygoing and excited   Indecisive 

. Quiet but witty                 Selfish

. Avoid conflicts                  Discourages others 

. Good listeners                   Resists change

. Has many friends            Sarcastic 

. Sympathetic                      Too shy


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